How many people operate Winery Sense?
I am currently the only consultant assisting wineries in the change plan.
Where are you located?
I live in Purcellville, Virginia about 50 miles west of Washington, DC.
Who can benefit from consulting?
New wineries contemplating opening a tasting room. Current tasting rooms looking to increase sales, train staff, or change image.
Do you travel to wineries outside of your immediate area?
Yes. Although Virginia is my main focus, I do travel to other areas outside of the Northern Virginia area.
Do you exclude any areas in the United States?
No. Although my home base in Virginia, I want all wineries to be successful. Travel expenses paid by contracting organization.
What do you include in your consulting?
An interview with the key personnel involved in decision-making or evaluation. A follow-up written report that details options for change and initiation schedule. A follow-up call after implementation. See the Services section for more information.
How much do you charge?
This depends on the services you need. A simple phone conversation, an on-site visit, a wine club development, social media content, are all different rates. A half hour phone consultation is free of charge. You can download a Services chart in the Services section. (Coming Soon)
Will my information be shared with anyone else?
All information given is received and stored in strict confidentiality. As a former member of the Inspector General community I am trusted and respect your data and concerns.
Are you certified?
There is no tasting room academy that you can receive a degree from, but years of experience behind the bar and planning events have been coupled with formal education from U.C. Davis.  I am a professional home stager so my talents for appealing layouts are an added benefit.

Are you available for public speaking?
Yes, I  am constantly investigating new ways to educate wineries and the public.